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Breastfeeding Benefits for Baby & Mom


Breastfeeding is one of the most natural ways to care for your baby. It’s also easy, and it can be done almost anywhere. With a few tips for breastfeeding success as a mom and some tricks for your baby, you’ll both benefit from this healthy lifestyle choice.

Breast milk provides babies with all the nutrients they need in their first six months

Breast milk is the best source of nutrition for babies. It contains all the nutrients needed by infants during their first six months and beyond.

Breast milk is also easy to digest, which means that it can be digested quickly by your baby’s body and not cause stomach discomfort or gas. In addition, breast milk has a neutral pH level (around 7), which helps prevent infections in your baby’s intestines as well as other parts of his or her body such as the mouth, throat and eyes

Breastfeeding benefits moms, too

While the benefits of breastfeeding are not just for baby, they can also be beneficial to moms.

  • Breastfeeding helps you lose weight.
  • It can help you sleep better.
  • It can save money on formula and other baby products by reducing the number of times you have to buy them (and therefore reduce waste).
  • The bond between mom and baby is strengthened while breastfeeding, meaning that there’s less chance of resentment when it comes time for their next pregnancy/prenatal appointments or when choosing what type of childcare to use after birth.

Breastfeeding is easy to get started, but it may not come naturally

Breastfeeding is a learned skill, and there are many things you can do to help your baby learn how to breastfeed. It’s important that everyone involved (you, your partner or partner’s family members) be supportive of each other in this process. You’ll want someone who will help make sure you’re comfortable and get support if needed.

If someone doesn’t know how or doesn’t feel comfortable helping out with breastfeeding at first, it may take time before they feel comfortable enough with their new role as “breastfeeding coach.”

The best positions are ones that are comfortable for you and your baby

Breastfeeding positions are important for a number of reasons. The best position for you and your baby is going to depend on what feels comfortable for you, but there are some guidelines that can help.

  • Try breastfeeding lying down or sitting up (with pillows under your knees). If you’re in bed, curl up with one leg tucked under yours and the other extended out on either side of it; this will help keep baby close by without putting too much pressure on his back or neck. You may find it easier if he’s propped up on pillows instead of lying flat against them, which helps prevent him from falling forward while they’re still attached together!
  • When laying down with a newborn, make sure there’s enough room between their head and torso so that their face doesn’t get pressed into one spot too often; try positioning them upright until they get used to being held upright themselves—this way they won’t experience any discomfort when trying out different positions over time since none will seem uncomfortable compared against another position until after some practice time has passed since birth.”

You can breastfeed almost anywhere

Breastfeeding is a natural, healthy way to feed your baby. It’s also a great way to show people that you’re proud of your body and want others to be proud of theirs, too!

You can breastfeed almost anywhere—in a car, at the movies or restaurant, in front of anyone who will listen (including strangers), in public bathrooms…the list goes on! And if you need some extra privacy? You can use one of those bottles with a special sleeve for nursing as well as sippy cups for older babies who don’t take such quick sips yet.

Breastfeeding isn’t an all-or-nothing deal

The first thing to know is that breastfeeding isn’t an all-or-nothing deal. You can stop and start again at any time, or even change your mind if you decide it’s not working out for you.

It’s also not a competition with other moms who breastfeed their babies compared to those who don’t—it’s about what works best for you and your family right now, and there are lots of ways to do this! If one method doesn’t work out so well (like bottle-feeding), try another one until something clicks with both of you.

You don’t have to be perfect when it comes to breastfeeding; even if someone else tells me how great my breastmilk tastes every day before I drop them off at school in the morning (and then gets on Facebook), I still think that would be pretty embarrassing! But remember: We all make mistakes sometimes—and everyone deserves our own little slice of happiness too!

You’ll know it’s going well if your baby seems satisfied after feeding and wets at least four or five diapers a day.

You’ll know it’s going well if your baby seems satisfied after feeding and wets at least four or five diapers a day. A hungry baby will have a strong sucking reflex, which means he’ll be more alert and able to get enough milk from you. He can also tell when he needs to eat more because of his increased appetite and thirst.

If your baby has a strong sucking reflex, he’s likely getting enough milk from breastfeeding—but if not, there may be another reason why he isn’t gaining weight as fast as expected: your supply might be low or even empty (see below).

Here are few ways to make breastfeeding a success for both you and your baby.

  • Breastfeeding is a great way to bond with your baby. It’s important to remember that breastfeeding isn’t just about feeding them breast milk, but also about building a strong relationship between mother and child. You can have fun together by playing games, reading books or even watching TV together (if you’re not sure where to start with this). It’s also an opportunity for you both to explore each other’s bodies through touching and kissing on the lips!
  • Breastfeeding is also good for saving money because it usually costs less than formula or bottle-feeding (especially if you’re buying organic formula). Plus there are no environmental concerns involved in breastfeeding as there are when using bottles or cans of formula! The only downside might be having trouble sleeping because your baby doesn’t want their last meal before bedtime being given by someone else so instead they might wake up at night during feedings causing discomfort for everyone involved which means more stress levels rising throughout all members involved including yourself…so try finding something else fun instead like cooking dinner together while listening music together 🙂


Breastfeeding is an important part of a baby’s life, and it can be a good start to your new family. But it only works if you’re both willing and able to give it a try. If you think about these tips before starting, you’ll be more prepared for any challenges that may arise when breastfeeding does finally happen naturally!